Friday, July 29, 2011

Cardio 4 Crafting Friday is Ba-aaaaack!

I have been lazy and horrible this summer. I started Cardio 4 Crafting and didn't even follow it for a week! Shame! I finally got a battery for my scale and saw that I went from 156 to 161 and realized how easily that 5 pounds could turn into 50. With some inspiration from my awesome sister-in-law, Teresa (you can find her over at Talented Terrace Girls) I bought Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and got to work. I have lost 3 pounds this week and I already feel like I have more energy. Before I tell you my goal or give more details about Cardio 4 Crafting, let me give you a little background:
My high weight before I had my 2nd child was 193 and I went over 210 while pregnant with him. After I had the baby I vowed to get healthy and dropped to 125 pounds! I felt amazing, healthy, and beautiful. Then I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I got a little depressed and put on around 10 pounds. We kept trying and I got pregnant again, but I also lost that baby. I had gained about 5 pounds before I miscarried and after that I gained 10 more from eating and little too much wine. At 151 pounds I got pregnant with my son Phillip and thank God he stayed with us and is now 10 months old. I gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy. As of today I am 158. My goal is 130. I know I can do it, because I have done it before. This morning I promised my kids that I will never be in the 160s again and I don't break promises to my children. If that isn't motivation enough, my crafting is being held hostage with my Cardio 4 Crafting pledge:
For every 20 minutes of cardio, you get 1 hour of crafting. Every Friday you can check in with a link-up about your progess or a comment. Sound good? Good! Now get off the computer, give it everything you've got for 20 minutes and then come back here and brag about how amazing you are. You can do it! I can do it! Let's go!

Running with Glitter also has a Happy Healthy Me link up for more motivation!



  1. I have the 30 day JM DVD.. I need to start that tonight! Thanks for the reminder! I'd love to lose 3 pounds this week! I'm 148 and want to be 130 so we are on the same weight loss path.... WE CAN DO IT!

  2. Hehe i am encouraging did my part for 1 week and have been struggling to get my workouts in this week. i am in a bit of a funk and dont care but in typing this i now have to be better at working out!! here comes my hotness it WILL shine :)

  3. I love this idea and can't wait to join in!
