Sunday, August 28, 2011

Snugglies for Storm Kids--IMPORTANT!

Good morning everyone. I hope all of you on the East Coast are safe and as comfortable as you can be. I sat on my couch watching CNN this morning and I felt helpless. My first thought was that I wanted to go down there to help, but I have 3 kids and one who is still nursing, so that didn't seem possible. I plan to donate to the Red Cross, but it doesn't feel like enough. Then it hit me--I can use my craftiness to help! Luckily, I have amazing and talented readers to call out to. So here it is: Let's make toys for the littlest victims of Irene. I am going to be making sock monkeys to send to the kids who may have lost their toys in the storm. You don't have to make sock monkeys. Whatever you are good at making will be fine. I will be calling the Red Cross tomorrow to get more information on where to send the toys, but in the mean time let's just start making them.
This isn't very organized right now. It just hit me this morning, but I promise I will get it together soon.
Thank you to everyone who can help, and good luck to all those on the East Coast.


  1. That is an awesome idea!!! I'll try and think of something to make! Haven't realy made a lot of toys, but I'll come up with something! You can email me or catch me on my blog.

  2. Currently, this lacks organization. I will assure you that I will quickly get my act together; it only occurred to me this morning.
