Saturday, January 14, 2012

What I've Been Up To...

What have I been up to lately?

I joined Weight Watchers on Christmas Day. My starting weight was 170 (yeah, Mama ate a little too many holiday cookies...). Today I am 164. I started the 30 Day Shred a few days ago and I put the Couch to 5K on my iPod. There is a 5k on March 10th that I will be running. I can do it!!

I've also been just hanging out with the family and crocheting. My kids are doing amazing, and I cannot wait for Samantha to be back on track next week. She hates being away from school, and I could honestly use a bit of a break.

Need some visuals? Well ok then...
Pardon the crummy pics...most were taken with the iPod.

My crochet obsession continues... boy wearing a cupcake beanie because he is so darn sweet!

For the Star Wars geek in all of us...

You didn't think I would stop with just one Star Wars thing, did you?

This are for pot handles people! Get your mind out of the gutter! :P

My pretty laminator that I got for $16 on Amazon!

I-Spy Bags for the kiddles.

Stenciling the entertainment center.

Stenciling the! My hubby is such a good sport!

Yes...that is Han Solo.

The Moon house has been turned into a fun house.

My lovely little unicorns...

Aren't they just the cutest??

My pretty girl before her Christmas program.

Who knew a box of diapers could provide so much entertainment?

Snuggles from my littlest guy.

She is such a good big sister!
Poor Lucy climbed into the sleeve of my hubby's jacket and couldn't get out. Poor little worm puppy!

That is my life for now. I love it and wouldn't change a single second!

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