Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday Confessional Link Party

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Tuesday Confessional link party! I missed you all last week. I didn't get the party up last night because it was my 7th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! 7 amazing years of hanging out with my best friend. :) It was great, but now it is back to the real world, and I must say: What the heck happened to Blogger! I really hope this posts ok. Anyway...
A few "rules":
Link back with a text link or a pretty button.
Follow me on Google Friend Connect.
Check out a few of the other link-ups to get your inspiration on!

Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy


  1. Good Morning! Happy Belated Anniversary and THANK you for hosting! I am following you and I have added your button to my link party page! Stop by and link up with me if you have time. Have a truly blessed week.

  2. Happy Anniversary! :) Thanks for hosting!! Megan

  3. Happy 7th Anniversary! Thanks for hosting!

  4. Happy anniversary!!! Thank you so much for hosting!

  5. Happy anniversary! So exciting! Thanks for the party!

  6. Linking up with you for the first time and now following you! Happy Anniversary!
