Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rainbow Sprinkles to the Rescue!

Sometimes as a mother you do what you have to do to get by. Earlier today my 2 year old was screaming hysterically from teething. I retrieved the Children's Tylenol, but for some inexplicable
 reason the lid would not budge. His screams were piercing and my sensory sensitive daughter was at her limit. I panicked, and I am not proud of what I did next. I grabbed the bottle of rainbow sprinkles from the Lazy Susan and gave him a handful. He stopped crying immediately as he enjoyed his colorful, sugar-laden snack. This bought me another few minutes to pry the Tylenol open and prevented a household melt-down.

Was giving him pure sugar a good idea? Probably not, but I'll take a toddler on a sugar rush over a nervous breakdown any day. Maybe after the kiddies go to bed Mommy will have some sprinkles. And by sprinkles...I mean wine.


  1. I think you did just fine there.


  2. In my house we use marshmallows - LOL

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